Many times, we aren’t even aware we have a worldview; we don’t have an awareness of our worldview any more than we are aware of the air we breathe. We don’t even think about it.
I heard of a man who was giving a presentation about the Christian view of origins. He elegantly explained the Christian worldview and sited examples and evidence to support his position.
In the audience was an atheist. The young man challenged the speaker saying, “There is no God. Everything came about by random chance. We were not created, we evolved. There is no higher authority than myself. I have seen no proof of a God therefore He doesn’t exist.”
The speaker chose not to argue with the young man, but simply asked him, “You seem like an intelligent person, let me ask you; do you know everything?”
The young man said, “No, of course I don’t know everything.”
The speaker then asked, “Do you know maybe half of everything?”
“No, I can’t say that I know even half of everything.” replied the young man.
“Well,” said the speaker, “let’s give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you know half of all there is to know. Is it possible then that God exists in the other half that you don’t know?”
Young person, how can you be sure that the information you have been given is correct or even complete?